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Everything you need to know to write Narrative Essay: Beginners Guide with examples

Essay writing is not only part of the school curriculum but is also important for the aspirants of competitive exams. Hence if you have completed your school education and might think that now the task of writing an essay is over so you might be mistaken. The writing ability that you have learned in your school will eventually help you in clearing competitive exams. The reason why essay writing is a crucial part of exams is that it allows the writer to write cohesive writing. Your arguments blend with creativity and then form a complete thought for the readers. So let’s sharpen your previous knowledge about essay writing with this blog.

What is a narrative essay?

The word ‘Narrative’ means a spoken or written account of an event that happened in someone’s life. As the word suggests narrative essay is a kind of essay where a person narrates an incident that happened in his life. It can be imaginary or real. Although there is no proper format to write narrative essays, but you should narrate your essay in a logical manner.

Essential elements of narrative essay

The narrative essay must have some plot around which the story should revolve. Without plot, the essence of the narrative essay is lost. It should also have characters whether real or imaginary who can be the protagonist (hero) or antagonist (villain) in the essay. The narrative essay is depicted to make some point hence if your conclusion does not contain any concluding remark then it will not be considered as a narrative essay.

How it is different from a Descriptive Essay?

In a Descriptive essay, the author describes in detail any person, situation, or object. It does not contain a plot or story which is described in sequence. While narrative essay presents the description of an event or experience that happened to the writer during a particular time. It revolves around the plot and also has characters. The writer can be more personal in the narrative essay while more formal in the descriptive essay.

How to write a narrative essay?

Choosing a topic 

Since narrative essays revolve around personal experience so you need not have searched the internet or read books for the topic. However, you should keep in mind that the topic of your essay should be interesting so that it attracts the attention of the reader. For example, you can choose the topic “My first day at college”, this will attract the reader because they will become nostalgic after remembering their college days. Everyone in their life has a unique memory of college days so your essay will leave an impact upon the readers.

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Create a proper structure

A narrative essay does not have any formal pattern or structure to follow. However, while you are narrating any incident you must have a proper structure so that the readers can understand the events and then the concluding point of your essay. You must keep in mind that the experience you want to convey to the readers should be mingled with creativity. For example, if you are writing about “My school farewell” so you should first describe how your school life was in a brief introductory paragraph and then about the incidents that happened in the farewell. You must conclude your essay with a remark that those days can’t be bought back.

Describe the events

Since narrative essays are personal so you must describe the events in detail. However, you must avoid over detailing any incident which is irrelevant in the context. Your description of the things should be so vivid that the incident should become alive in front of the readers. The readers must relate with your characters and then your concluding remark will have an impact upon them. You must proofread your essay to see that there are no grammatical errors and also no repetitive arguments or ideas in the essay. If you find something unnecessary you can paraphrase it to give better structure to your essay.

Essential Tips for writing a narrative essay

  • Avoid complex sentences.
  • Make it simple and easy to read
  • Avoid over detailing of any incident as the main essence will be lost
  • Always use the first-person narrative
  • Use impactful words and make clear points
  • Use limited reference

Example of Narrative Essay

My first day at the office

I have joined a new office and it was my first day. I was very nervous to enter the premises of the office as everything will be new to me and I was not accustomed to new things. First I thought to take a leave and skip the day but then thoughts erupted in my mind that you have to accept the new place, its surroundings, and the people. I enter the premises and was nervous to even shake hands with my colleagues. They might think that I was rude but actually I was nervous. Then my supervisor comes and he seems to notice my apprehensions. He was kind enough to take the initiative and introduce me to the colleagues. They greet me with kind words and then help me in understanding the working environment of my office. I started to relax and get more mingled in my work. I ate lunch with them and realize that my fears are more exaggerated in my mind than in reality. My day ended up on a good note and I learn a new lesson that not every thought in the mind is reality. We must be open to new experiences as they will mold our personality for something good.

These are the essential tips for writing a good narrative essay however if you are still confused and want the help of some expert then you are at the right place. “Myessayassignment” is the leading essay writing service that helps students in writing the best essays. We are the leading essay writing service in Australia as well as in other countries. If you are stuck at any place and want expert help to write the best essay, feel free to contact us.

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