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General first aid course conditions for enterprises

By choosing our first aid courses for companies, you can be sure that your application will be considered individually. We train betrieblicher ersthelfer for companies, individually and in groups. The agreed price for the training is negotiated when more participants are registered.

Flexible training schedule

You choose the place for conducting classes. We come to the address indicated. Office workers or people employed in cold stores therefore have the opportunity to exercise at their workplace. On the other hand, the erste hilfe kurs im betrieb program itself is never rigidly imposed. We select the content of education in such a way as to take into account the client’s needs and the nature of his business to the maximum extent.


We are distinguished by our care for the reliable preparation of didactic materials. All students receive them, regardless of the ersthelfer im betrieb anzahl. We have prepared training materials based on the ERC guidelines, which define in detail the principles of providing emergency and specialist aid in the medical rescue. Additionally, each participant receives gloves and a resuscitation mask from us. The document confirming the completion of the course is a certificate. We issue it according to the formula specified in the regulation of the Federal Ministry of Education.

A chance to gain knowledge that saves human life

Proper organization of classes is our priority. We provide up-to-date knowledge in the field of emergency medical services, and at the same time, we teach how to use it in practice. We focus primarily on the transfer of key skills. That is why participation in first aid courses for companies is not only the fulfillment of the obligation imposed on the employer by the Labor Code. It is a chance to gain knowledge that saves human life. And not only in the workplace.

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