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How to Nurture Your Child’s Inquisitive Nature

Children are born curious. When you think that they’re just messing around, they are actually trying to explore and learn about the world around them. As a baby, they will start by putting their hands out to touch, hold and grab. Then, as they then grow a little older, they will start to pour, push, and experiment. This curiosity is something that you want to nurture as it will help in their learning and development. If you’re interested in learning how, take a look at the guidance below that was shared by an independent boys’ school in London.

Ask Questions

If they’re not asking them already, encourage your child to think inquisitively by asking them questions. They will begin to wonder and learn new things whilst also getting in the habit of asking. You might set them a question a day to go off and research, like why the sky appears blue or how rain works. 

Not Knowing the Answer is Okay

It’s okay to not know the answer and that’s what the internet is for. If you ever stumble upon a question that you don’t know the answer to, use it as an opportunity to exercise your curiosity and show your child just how important learning is. It doesn’t just stop when you reach adulthood.


Field trips are a great way to spark your little one’s curiosity. Whether you want to visit a zoo or museum is up to you. The change of environment will help feed their curiosity and give them something new to explore.

Read Books

Libraries are amazing sources of information. They have books spanning practically every topic that you could think of. By encouraging your child to take up reading, you can help feed into their curiosity as they will have a way to find answers to their questions.

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