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Is Nursery the Right Choice for My Child?

As your little one grows older, you will need to start thinking about childcare arrangements. Nursery is an option if you’re unable to find a babysitter. Here in the UK school is compulsory from the age of 5 years old. Before that, it’s completely at a parent’s discretion whether they send their child to school (nursery) or not. There are many reasons as to why you might choose to do either and in this blog post, we share both sides to help you make a well-informed decision for you and your child.

Why opt for a Nursery?

Nursery can be a massive help if you’re needed back at work and don’t have any suitable childcare arrangements. You can rest assured knowing that they are in good hands, with several trained nursery practitioners around and continue earning.

To help parents, the government offers 30 hours of free childcare a week during school term time (that’s 38 weeks a year) for those who meet a certain eligibility criteria. This looks at how long they work, their income, child’s age and circumstances and immigration status. It is possible to try and claim for 52 weeks so that you also have support when schools are shut, however, you must work fewer than 30 hours per week to be eligible.


Another factor is socialisation. At nursery, your child will have the opportunity to meet other young children just like them. They can learn about how to interact with others and develop confidence.

Alternative Childcare

If you have friends, family or even a trusted and reliable babysitter that you use, you may find that you want to carry on with your arrangement. Changing their set up may create disruption and you might want to maintain your child’s normal routine.

You may even choose to spend longer with your child whilst they are at this age. Children grow up so fast and the first few years of their life are the most important in their development.

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