
Setting Up the Perfect Study Space for Your Child

If you have a busy household and a child that struggles to concentrate, a study room is just what you need. A space that’s free of distractions, dedicated to study. Whether you’re working with a big room or a small one, we have just the tips to help you create the perfect study space for your child.

  1. Think About Storage

Aside from a desk and chair, your child will need functional storage to stow away their class notes, textbooks, and other clutter that they have lying around. This will help them to keep organised and ensure that they don’t lose anything that’s valuable.

  1. Think About Tools

Without organisation it can also be extremely difficult to plan which is why adding tools like wall calendars may be beneficial. They are able to organise their time adequately and prepare for key dates like their coursework deadlines and examinations. Others that you may want to add include a stopwatch and clock so that they can keep ahead of time and complete all of their work.

  1. Devices

Devices are the biggest cause of procrastination and can deter children from doing their work. A total technology ban is unfair as your child will need access to the internet to do their work and class notes. You can, however, create a bin that they drop their phone into before entering and hope that they don’t find other means to avoid their work.

  1. Colour

Colour can influence our mood. It is believed that varying shades of blue, yellow, and green are good for study spaces for this reason as they help you to keep a calm mind and improve productivity.

  1. Comfort

Your child will likely spend a great deal of time sitting in their study room, especially in the lead up to their exams which is why you should make sure that the furniture that you get is comfortable.

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